For our very first Hull review, Master Chef Chad and I made our way to Fort Collins to try a Hulligan suggestion, William Oliver’s Publick House. Known as the King of bacon and king of whiskey.
It’s located in a Safeway parking lot off of Timberline so parking was rough around [3:30] when we arrived.
The patio isn’t something I’d call a must visit as…you know….it’s in a Safeway parking lot. But there’s plenty of great restaurants in supermarket lots so let’s move past it.
Oliver’s Publick House has an awesome Irish pub feel (keep in mind I have never been to an Irish pub) and we were treated to a new addition to the joint called a Snug. What is a snug? I’m told that they began in Ireland in the late 19th century. They were/are typically a small, very private room that used to be for patrons who preferred not to be seen. Now they are just fun. I loved that addition.
I ordered an Old Fashioned and a BLT. Let’s just say… can’t screw up a BLT but you can certainly make it better. Bacon. There I said it. Watch the video!